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Kitchen Protein Fire Restoration

Odor Removal & Residue Cleanup

A protein fire is a specific type of fire that occurs when you burn a food containing protein, such as a steak or eggs. The burnt protein leaves behind an invisible film of soot and lingering odor that is extremely difficult to clean.

Any cooking mishap – even when there is no fire – can result in odorous protein residues left behind. G.S. Jones crews are trained to clean the residues produced from a protein fire. You will notice an immediate improvement while we work to physically remove the residue.

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Western Pennsylvania’s Premier Disaster Restoration Company

Expert Help

Our team knows how to clean and restore properties after any type of fire, and we can help.

Turn Back Time

Return your property back to it's former condition free of burnt odors and residues.

Team You Can Trut

We will help you make the best decision for your property based on the scope of the problem.

Professional Odor Removal

Lingering odors from a protein fire will persist until the residue is removed. Because protein fires can coat everything within reach with a fine, invisible layer of soot, extensive cleaning and deodorizing may be necessary to achieve full odor removal. Rely on the guidance of our professional team to completely remove the odor.

Eliminate Odors and Residues from Protein Fires

When You Need Professional Help, Turn to G.S. Jones

You may think that since there is no visible residue after a protein fire the odor will just go away eventually, but it won’t. When removing protein fire residues is too large a task or you are unable to achieve the results you desire, we can help.

We are happy to discuss any smoke, odor, or soot residue problem you are facing. If professional intervention is needed, we will work with you to clean up the residue in a timely and efficient manner, causing the least amount of disruption to your life. Just give us a call to see how we can help.

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