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DIY Water Damage Prevention Tips To Prevent Costly Restoration

water damage pittsburgh, water damage services pittsburgh, water damage restoration pittsburghWhile it is always best to call in the professionals when you are in need of water damage restoration in Pittsburgh, there are things that you yourself can do to safeguard your  home from potential water damage. From our water damage restoration experts, here is a list of DIY water damage prevention steps you can take to help mitigate the threat and risk of water damage, and show how you can play an active role in keeping your home and belongings safe from the effects of water damage. 

Water Damage Restoration In Pittsburgh

  • Start with a visual inspection of your home or building. Check in rooms and areas that are not occupied often. Basements, garages, attics, under cabinets, the ground around rain gutters, roof tops, and window wells are all common places water can pool and go unnoticed. Make sure these areas are dry and show no signs of any moisture or water damage. Make it a habit to check these places periodically to be sure that they stay clear of any signs of water damage, and that there are no cracks or leaks in sight.
  • Perform routine maintenance on household appliances that use water. Dishwashers, washing machines, and water heaters are all common culprits of water damage in homes. Water hoses that run to these machines can weaken over time, and are prone to leaks. Keep an eye on these appliances, and make sure that you are following manufacturer’s guidelines when it comes to installation, use, and maintenance. Consider replacing washing machine hoses regularly to avoid leaks from aging and overuse.
  • Be aware of water outside of your home. Hoses left connected still-house water, and if temperatures drop suddenly, water in a hose may freeze back into the pipe. Disconnect hoses to help prevent any water build up there. Rain gutters that are cluttered create blockages, which can lead to overflow. Gutters should be cleaned at least twice a year, and be sure that they are directing water away from the foundation of your home. 
  • Know where your water main is. If you plan on being away for long periods of time, you may want to shut off the main water line to your home. Also, if you find yourself in a situation where water is overflowing or flooding into your home, you will need to know where your water main is and how to shut it off. 
  • Install water detection devices. Just as we use smoke detectors to warn us of a fire, there are detectors available that will warn us when moisture is present. These are extremely beneficial in areas where water leaks can go unnoticed. 
  • Use a water pressure gauge to check the water pressure to your home. You can get a water pressure gauge at most local hardware stores, and all you have to do to check your pressure is attach it to an outside faucet and turn the faucet on full force. The gauge will give you a reading of the water pressure going into your home, and if it is too high it can cause unnecessary strain on pipes and hoses and cause them to fail under the pressure. If your water pressure is above 100 psi, you should install a water pressure regulator. Regulators can also be found at most local hardware stores, and come with installation instructions so you will totally be able to DIY the installation.
  • Last, but not least, track your water bill. If your usage spikes from one month to the next for no known reason, it may be due to a leak. If you cannot find a source, cause, or explanation to a sudden rise in your water usage, go back through your visual checklist of any areas of the home where leaks could be more prone. If all else fails, call in a water damage restoration team to help with your investigation. They will work with you to help you find the source of any possible water leaks. 

While these steps are all successful at helping to reduce the risk of water damage to your home, water damage can never be fully avoided. If you do find yourself in need of water damage restoration in Pittsburgh or surrounding areas, regardless of the source or cause, call the water damage restoration professionals at GS Jones.

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